Friday, October 18, 2013

Mommy Madness

I think most moms have "mommy madness"  You know, that voice inside your head telling you what you should be doing versus what you are doing.  You should have a home cooked, sit down meal, every night ready for your family.  Your house should always be clean, with dishes clean and not on the counters, toys all tucked away in the appropriate spots.  Or my favorite, we should always look perfect, be in great shape, eat healthy, be super crafty, organized and dress in these amazing outfits we see on Desperate housewives.   

The reality of my life is that my kitchen counters are dirty, though surprisingly enough, the dishes are in the dishwasher.  My kitchen table is covered in outgrown clothes I'm hoping I sell so we can have some money to put towards Christmas presents, and don't get me started on the state of the living room.  My goal of sweeping the floors every other day, well that got forgotten around naptime last week.  I'm positive we have a dust bunny the size of a shih tzu running around.  So on the 'perfect mom' scale, I'm pretty sure I don't even rank.  But to be honest, napping with the baby and waking up to his smiles and coos, and seeing his smiles as I play on the ground with him, make it ok.  When the hubs gets home, he can get some baby time and I'll try and get stuff done.  

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